Wednesday, 13 March 2013

whats out there ?

Did a wee bit more research, heres a few things i came across i think ill build on, or like to look back on and develop my ideas with inspiration from them.

Though its perfect for this project, its not what i have in mind. this is small and fat, perfect for a child that cant grasp fiddely things, but perhaps too big? too bulky?
i love how big and colourful hey ll are. each set comes in a wide range of coluors, however a set is all the same colour.
they seem durable and even easy cleaned, so the product has the same idea i do, be usable and practical yet sellable.
i dont know if i want to go this basic though.

The material is very interesting and perhaps along the lines of what i was looking to create. its soft, and gentle but its not going to slip, the grip are very interesting an positioned where a childs hands would normally hold, this might by far be my fvourite but not most inspirational piece yet.
though i love the idea of something featured on the hanlde, for easy holding, i unsure at this point wether it would be a grip, and unuual material (like this jelly plastic) or if it will be a uniue moulding/shape.

The tips are simple and made like the average cutlery set, and perhaps that is a good thing, after al this is a tool, used for training a child to use cutlery, and in a short time this child will be wained onto adult (older children) cutlery, and might find the adjustment difficult if too catered around when learning.

The oval shape is interesting, this si the shape ive been aiming for, styled not unlike the squared cutlery from a previous post.

These are attributes id like to build on and maybe look into further.

Basic, colourful and light, they seem legit and quite average for a childs set of cutlery, infact at the very begining this is what id imagine the most basic kinda cutlery for a child would be, however, is it too small? too thin? too ligh? i love how theres a range of colours, and they incorporated the characters into the moulding, make it appealing to a child, but this is one of those appealing but not practical kinda of cases, infact, if i was to hazard a guess id say this was more suitable to an even younger, assisted feed child, meaning the appeal of the characters would liekly be lost on such an infant.
as you can probably tell by now, im giving you examples of things i like but may or may not use, things i hate and would prefer not to mimic and over all things that i may not like over all but have an dd feature hre and there that i like, and would bring into the development process, which im now in the middle of.

These are beautiful and small, perfect size for a child in the aimed age range, however, are they practical? i see they are appealing, theres no doubt and this is actually the perfect example of the novelty item i was talking abut earlier (thus why its here mainly) the novelty items mean it would engage the child in the process, it would make the whole expierence appealing, but can they scoop the right amount of food, will the child need assisted, can these help a child eat everything on the previous menu i posted?
the more and moer i examine these and similar cutlery sets, im noticing a pattern, many of these novelty items lack the pracical side and visa versa.

This a lovely plain and simple set, plastic like many for cleanliness sake. i found this whilst researching depth on the avergae set, as thats a feature im very interested in (see sketches to dates)
however thought this has deptha nd seems perfect for scooping, for all the size of the ehad, it might be a little too deep cnsidering it is also very sharp around the edges, adn the tips ends are rather pointy, likely a huge turn of for a small child.

i have to be very careful and consider the repercutions of any features i add onto this product.

Novelty Characters. appealing?!
Ive had a look around not only the shops but the internet etc and asked around small children what popular tv shows, brands and toys are most appealing at the moment.
As always there are long lasting classics, and the annual show/fad. here are a few examples, im thinking would suit a set of cutlerly and would be appealing but not overwhelming.

(see sketches with noevlty characters incorporated)

Through my research i found there was many tv shows and other things directed solely at kids and toddlers, many of which are not just to entertain  but stimulate and teach, the little enstiens were my favourite example as it wasnt overly patronising and has music as well as other factual information, so not only has it characters that could be easily placed on merchndise like cutlery, but it has symbols and objects like rocket shiips and musical notes that could also be decorative.

The fact they are a teaching show, and help ids learn, fits perfectly with the whole 'teaching kids to eat' theme im going with.

unlike many of the popular shows, thomas the tank enginge (though his animation has changed variously over the years) has remained a kids classic. meaning if he was on the cutlery, a manufacturer wouldnt have to redesign the imagery every other year.
thomas the tank engine seems entertaining and somewhat teaching, but more in morals than facts, either way, he and his costar friends would all be interesting enough for the cutlery.

a cross between little enstiens and thomas the tank engine, seaseme street is a classic tv show (though i dont believe any new episodes are being created, they are still re run everyday) seaseme street is entertaining and a teaching show, facts and morals.
so again it fits in with the stimulating teaching theme im going for, however another useful feature of this show is, there is many different characters, so one could be on the spoon where as another could be on a fork and so forth.

A long running classic character and brand, still in major production. its the go to for character merchanidise, walt disney. mickey mouse being the cover boy of the whole brand suits.
The only problem i have with using or thinking about using this type of character or brand is, its been done, a thousands times over, not just on cutlery, and not just the classic character, theyve created infant versions of the classics, to relate more to toddlers, and they made many cutlery sets, likely designed to help small children eat with more ease. so thought its a favourable, id like to stay away from such unoriginal ideas at this time.

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