Wednesday, 20 March 2013

The making of a model bottle 3DSMAX

In this tutorial we created a standard 500ml water bottle, it required us gathering dimensions of a bottle using a verier caliper and other measuring tools.

it starts as all 3DSMAX designs should, units, i had to start this bottle several times, as fillets wouldnt work and then the units were way off etc. so remember youre basics when working with 3DSMAX people, scratch that, remember those basics in any software, other wise, well, have fun redoing the design ten times over.
Once i had the units and basics cleared up i was ready to start, i created a basic object as a guide, following the gathered dimensions.

once the basic structure was done, i froze the basic structure using the object properties option, i made it see through and froze it, making it easier to use it as a good guide line. i was able to begin drawing my lines and using very simple techniques i moved the vertexes to a suitable angle.

Time for fillets, which are in simple terms, curves. just select the vertexes you want bent round, and if calculated exactly, you can just type in the arch dimensions you want, otherwise theres the usual toggle at the side, and you can just go back and forth in that, until you come to an angle you like. approx 3mm was what i went for on the fillt between the cap and bottle.

Another pair of fillets were put in so the bottle would have the usual indent, normally for easier handeling and a brand wrapper.

I found the concave at the bottom the trickest, as it took several trys to get it horizontal in the centre.

From here the basic guide is useless, and deleted, leaving the half a bottle outline, ready for some tweaks, which to be very honest took longer than creating the bottle itself.

(insert img bottle 2)

one thats complete its time to put the thread on the top of the bottle, for the cap.
you do this by creating a helix (found in the create section, under shapes) in the centre of the bottle ie 0y 0x axiz, and have it begining at the bottom of the cap but top of the actual bottle, which in this case is 150mm.
check it easily by right clicking the move tool.

move it into position, nearr the top and from there you create the cross sectional part of the twist. this can be done by drawing a rectangle using the line tool, bending the vertexes a little and adding in fillets at the corners.

from there you can use the hierarchy panels affect pivot only tool to then create a loft, you do this by selecting the compound objects and choosing create a loft, the helix twist si the pathway and the new shape will b the shape used,

by doing this you are able to then go to modify and select twist and tweak the twists shape and make it alot less harsh around the edges and corners.

this would all be a very interesting technique if i decide on any of my sketches that require cut outs or small buldging designs in the cutlery.

(insert final twist)
as you can see, though not very realistic, (but material tools would fix that my bottle is complete, its just missing a cap.

i really like the twisted screw at the top for the bottle cap, its difficult, but would work well on maybe not his particular project, but other future 3DSMAX projects down the line.

though the bottle is fundamentally simple, the fiddely bits tht build the whole thing, really are time consuming. prooving that even though 3DSMAX is extremely useful and can create interesting pieces, it really does taking some getting used to and skill building.

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